Page 116 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 116


            2.1 Introduction

              The feeding guide, more than anything else on a   No single formula will allow to calculate the energy
            pet food label, draws the attention of the consumer,   requirements for all dogs or cats (Heusner 1991), and
            to whom the amount to feed is certainly key.      every equation only predicts a theoretical average for
                                                              a specific group of animals.
              Energy requirements vary considerably between
            individual dogs and cats, even between animals      Providing satisfactory feeding recommendations
            kept under the same conditions. This wide variation   remains thus an ongoing challenge for pet food
            between individual animals can be the consequence   companies. The next section provides general
            of differences in age, breed, body size, body condition,   recommendations for household dogs and cats
            insulation characteristics of skin and hair coat,   and should be considered a starting point. The
            temperament, health status or activity. It can also   following discussion is intended to clarify some of the
            be caused by environmental factors such as ambient   substantial differences seen between individual dogs
            temperature and housing conditions (Meyer & Zentek   or cats.
            2005, NRC 2006).

            Table VII-4. Abbreviations

              BCS        Body condition score                 kJ         Kilojoule
                         (lean, ideal, overweight, obese)

              BMR        Basal metabolic rate                 ME         Metabolizable energy

              BW         Body weight                          MJ         Megajoule

              DE         Digestible energy                    MER        Maintenance energy requirements

              DER        Daily energy requirements            NFE        Nitrogen free extract

              DM         Dry matter                           REE        Resting energy expenditure

              ECF        Extra cellular fluid                 RER        Resting energy requirements

              GE         Gross energy                         TNZ        Thermo-neutral zone

              kcal       Kilocalorie                          UCT        Upper critical temperature

            2.2 Energy density of the food

              Energy is expressed either in kilocalories (kcal) or in kilojoules (kJ)

              1kcal = 1000 cal = 4.184kJ, 1 MJ = 1000kJ = 239kcal

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