Page 127 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 127

Table VII-12
            Impact of energy requirement on nutrient intake and minimum


                                 Example: Impact of energy requirement on dry matter and nutrient intake

                                                              4 kg cat                    15 kg dog

              MER                                  100kcal/kgBW 0.67  75kcal/kgBW 0.67  110kcal/kgBW 0.75  95kcal/kgBW 0.75

              Daily energy intake                      253kcal       189kcal        838kcal        724kcal

              DM intake (400kcal/100g DM)               63g            47g           210g           181g

              Total daily Zn requirement                      4.75mg                        15mg

              Adequate Zn level                     7.5 mg/100g DM  10.0 mg/100g DM  7.2 mg/100g DM  8.34 mg/100g DM

            2.5 Impact of energy requirement on product formulation

              Balanced nutrition ensuring adequate intakes of   hour per day of low impact activity e.g. walking on the
            energy, protein, minerals and vitamins is essential for   lead, showed an average energy intake ranging from
            cats and dogs to ensure health and longevity. In order   94 to 105kcal (Connor et al., 2000; Patil and Bisby, 2001;
            to  achieve the  recommended  intake  of  energy  and   Thes et al., 2012; Wichert et al., 1999). These findings
            nutrients, products must be formulated to match these   have been acknowledged by Fediaf through the
            needs. The Fediaf recommendations are principally   introduction of separate nutrient recommendations for
            based on NRC (2006) as well as on other peer reviewed   adult dogs with a maintenance energy requirement of
            science as referenced in the substantiation tables. Major   95kcal/ kgBW   (724kcal/d).
            differences between Fediaf and NRC recommendations   Fediaf recommendations for normal active adult cats
            for adult cats and dogs are driven by a systematic   are in accordance with NRC (2006) assuming a daily
            adjustment applied to all essential nutrients due to   energy requirement of 100kcal/kgBW /d (253kcal/d).
            different assumptions on  daily  maintenance energy   For  indoor and/or  neutered  adult  cats  the  average
            requirements.                                     maintenance energy requirement is estimated to be
              The NRC (2006) adult maintenance recommendations   75kcal/kgBW /d (189kcal/d) (Fettman et al., 1997,
            for  dogs  are  based  on  an  average  maintenance   Harper et al., 2001). Strict indoor living in combination
            energy  requirement of  130kcal/kgBW /d  (1000  kcal   with neutering becomes increasingly applicable for
            ME/d),  which  is  the  average  energy  intake  observed   adult pet cats in Europe. This is acknowledged in
            in laboratory kennel dogs or active pet dogs. Fediaf   common with findings in dogs by introduction of
            however takes a different approach and uses an average   separate nutrient recommendations for adult cats
            energy requirement of 110kcal/ kgBW  /d (838kcal/d)   consuming 75kcal/kgBW /d .
            as basis for the adult maintenance recommendations,   Are differences in energy intake affecting nutritional
            which is typical for dogs with 1-3 hours of low impact   recommendations?
            activity or less than 1 hour high impact activity (Burger   The approach to provide nutrient recommendations
            et al.,1994; Connor et al., 2000, Kealy et al., 2002). Studies   expressed as units/1000kcal or MJ recognises the close
            investigating the maintenance energy requirement of   relationship between energy and nutrient intake.
            adult pet dogs in single pet households with less than 1   However the energy needs may be satisfied before the

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