Page 19 - Appetite_Stimulation_In_Dogs_Complete
P. 19
4 B. Zollers et al.
Body weight
The mean body weight ( standard deviation) in Group 2 was
11.1 1.6 kg on Day -1 and 11.6 1.8 kg on Day 7. The
mean body weight for Group 3 was 12.0 1.7 kg on Day -1
and 12.5 1.8 kg on Day 7. The Group 4 mean body weight
was 12.5 2.3 kg on Day -1 and 13.1 2.4 kg on Day 7. The
mean initial body weight for the placebo group was
11.9 1.7 kg. At the end of the study, the placebo group’s mean
body weight was 11.8 1.6 kg. Body weight increased in dogs
treated with capromorelin by 4.52 1.67%, 3.78 2.93%,
and 4.17 1.35% in groups 2, 3, and 4, respectively (treatment
effect P < 0.001; Fig. 3). Body weight in placebo dogs decreased
by 1.17 1.51%. When compared to the placebo group, the dif-
ference in body weight change for each of the groups 2, 3, and 4
was significant (P < 0.001). Pearson’s correlation coefficient was
0.563 (slope of linear regression = 6.5%, P = 0.004) indicates
that there is a direct proportionality between the food consump-
tion and body weight changes.
Capromorelin serum concentrations
The profile of serum capromorelin concentration postdose in
groups 2, 3, and 4 showed similar increases followed by a return
to nondetectable concentrations by 8 h on Day 1 and Day 7
(Fig. 4). Group 3 had the highest serum concentrations of capro-
morelin postdose. There was no evidence of serum capromorelin
accumulation in groups 2, 3, and 4. As expected, capromorelin
was not detected in the placebo group.
GH, IGF-1 and cortisol serum concentrations
Fig. 4. Mean ( SD) capromorelin serum levels on Day 1 and Day 7 of
Serum GH concentrations increased following the treatment
treatment with capromorelin or placebo. Capromorelin serum levels
with capromorelin on Day 1. Dogs in groups 2, 3, and 4 exhib-
were not measured on Day 4.
ited a peak in mean GH concentrations at 30 min postdose. Ele-
vations in serum GH continued for 4–6 h and returned to the magnitude of GH response was highest in the Day 1 samples and
baseline by 8 h postdose. On days 4 and 7, mean serum GH was was attenuated in all capromorelin treatment groups on days 4
elevated through 2–4 h and returned to the baseline by 6–8h and 7 when compared to Day 1. Serum GH concentrations were
postdose (Fig. 5). No sustained increase of GH was seen. The not elevated for any group on Day 9. There was no increase in
serum GH at any time point on any day for the placebo group.
Serum concentrations of IGF-1 gradually increased in groups
2, 3, and 4 on Day 1 following capromorelin treatment. Increas-
ing concentrations of IGF-1 were detected in serum in groups 2,
3, and 4 beginning at 2–4 h and reaching maximum concentra-
tions at 8 h postdose (Fig. 6). Elevations in IGF-1 were sustained
on Day 4 and Day 7 (Fig. 6) for the capromorelin treatment
groups and returned to the baseline on Day 9. There was no
increase in serum IGF-1 concentrations at any time point com-
pared to the baseline for the placebo group.
Serum cortisol concentrations increased within 30 min of capro-
morelin dosing in groups 2, 3, and 4 on Day 1 and returned to the
baseline by 8 h postdose (Fig. 7). The cortisol response was similar
but attenuated in the capromorelin treatment groups on Day 4 and
Day 7 (Fig. 7). Cortisol concentrations returned to the baseline on
Fig. 3. Mean % change in body weight ( SD) from baseline to Day 7 Day 9. There was no increase in serum cortisol at any time point
in dogs treated with placebo or capromorelin. compared to the baseline for the placebo group.
© 2016 The Authors. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd