Page 9 - Parasites in pet reptiles
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Rataj et al. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 2011, 53:33                                  Page 7 of 20

            Table 5 Number and percentage of positive lizards in regard to infestation with different endoparasites (Continued)
            Isospora sp.  Figure 42                        3 (0.9)             Pogona vitticeps (1)
                                                                               Basilicus plumifrons (1)
                                                                               Iguana iguana (1)
            Eimeria sp.  Figure 43                         2 (0.6)             Phelsuma dubia (1)
                                                                               Gekko gecko (1)
            Trichomonadidae                                2 (0.6)             Phelsuma dubia (1)
            (Tetratrichomonas sp.)                                             Physignathus cocincinus (1)
            Capillaria sp.                                 1 (0.3)             Pogona vitticeps (1)
            Heterakidae                                    1 (0.3)             Corucia zebrata (1)
            (Strongyluris sp.)
            Strongyloides sp.                              1 (0.3)             Varanus bengalensis (1)
            Trombiculid mites  Figure 44                   2                   Gekko gecko (2)
            (Geckobia sp.)

              At necropsy of Hermann’s Tortoises we frequently (up  Snakes
            to 90%) found adult forms of Oxyurid nematodes    The most frequent parasites found in snakes (Table 4)
            (Tachygonetria sp.) in digestive tract and Ascarid nema-  were Strongylid nematoda (Kalicephalus sp.) in 20.4%.
            todes (Angusticaecum sp.) in intestines in approximately  Among eleven snakes (6 different species), four had
            10%.                                              Strongylid eggs while others had also adults in their
              In Spur-thighed Tortoise we frequently (up to 80%)  intestines. Kalicephalus sp. is a hookworm from the
            found Oxyurid nematodes (Tachygonetria sp.) in diges-  order Strongylida, family Diaphanocephalidae. Parasites
            tive tract and adult forms of Ascarid nematodes (Angu-  have a big and deep buccal cavity with milling plates
            sticaecum sp.) in intestines in more than 50% of Spur-  and denticles. The muscularized oesophagus is thick
            thighed Tortoise. In the lungs of some juvenile round-  and has bulbous ends (Figure 1). Some morphologic
            worms were also detected.                         characteristics of Kalicephalus sp. are well described by
                                                              Telford [19].
            Discussion                                          Other frequently found parasites were pentastomes.
            There is an extremely wide range of different animal  Reptiles periodically eliminate eggs of parasites to the
            species from different parts of the world and a wide  surrounding. Pentastomes do carry zoonotic potential,
            range ofpathogens,ofwhich some are known and fre-  but among those parasitizing reptiles only Armillifer
            quently found while others arerareand completely  and, more recently, Porocephalus (Figure 2) have been
            uninvestigated. Their close cohabitation with reptiles  unquestionably associated with accidental human infec-
            demands deep investigation regarding the influence of  tions. However, precautions should always be taken
            these species and their microflora on people and auto-  when managing any animals with pentastomiasis. Treat-
            chthonous animal species. The origin of pet reptiles in  ment is very difficult and unsuccessful [20-22]. We
            trade is often unknown; they could be bred in captivity,  detected different forms (four different species) of pen-
            offspring of wild-caught parents or taken directly from  tastomes in six snakes (11.1%) and four of them had
            the wild. The variety of different pathogens is very large.  also eggs in their intestines. Thewormlikearthropod
            The presence of several pathogens in one host and  Porocephalus crotali was found on the surface of the
            stressful situations can have a negative influence on the  lung. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced, females are lar-
            health status. Investigation in this field is not satisfactory  ger than males. The head of females is separated from
            and many exotic and not familiar pathogens are rarely  the trunk by a distinct neck (Figure 3). Embryonated
            discovered. There is also a possibility of transmission of  eggs had outer and inner shell containing an embryo
            the pathogens to people.                          with clearly visible four legs (Figure 4).
              A healthy reptile has a number of pathogens, all kept  Ascarid eggs, Oxyurid eggs, Strongyloides sp., Capil-
            in check by a healthy immune system and the benefi-  laria sp., Trematoda, Acanthocephala, Trichomonadidae,
            cial gut flora. When a reptile is highly stressed or  Cryptosporidium sp. (Figure 5), Cyclospora sp. (Figures 6
            under prolonged moderate to severe stress, the    and 7) and Nyctotherus sp. were also detected. Similar
            immune system falters. In cases of improper environ-  parasite invasions are described in the literature
            mental temperatures, starvation, or prolonged dehydra-  [21,23,24]. Ascarid eggs which we found were spherical
            tion, the beneficial gut flora die off and organisms  to subspherical with brownish-yellow shell, striated and
            benign in small numbers gain ascendancy and start  6.5 μm thick. We assume the eggs belong to ascaridoid
            causing problems.                                 nematoda Ophidascaris sp., which is frequently found in
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