Page 4 - Parasites in pet reptiles
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Rataj et al. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 2011, 53:33 Page 2 of 20
sick but can cause health problems in people. The rep- reptiles was systematically examined for the presence of
tile can be a subclinical carrier of pathogens, for which endoparasites. Macroscopically found endo and ectopar-
ticks or other insects are the carriers. Therefore, ticks asites were examined in our laboratory at the Institute
can play a role in maintaining a rickettsial reservoir for Microbiology and Parasitology.
(Borrelia burgdorferi [15], Cowdria ruminantium [16], For the presence of endoparasites, intestine contents
Coxiella burnetti) [13], while mosquitoes can play a role were examined by flotation and sedimentation methods.
in maintaining the West Nile virus in reptile populations For flotation saturated NaCl solution with specific grav-
[2]. Trichinella papuae and Trichinella zimbabwensis ity of 1.2 was used while sedimentation was performed
are able to complete their entire life-cycle in both poiki- using tap water. Protozoan parasites were identified by
lothermic (experimentally infected monitors, caimans, sodium-acetate acetic acid formaldehyde (SAF) method
pythons and turtles) and homoeothermic animals [17]. and modified Ziehl-Neelsen staining. In some cases pro-
The aim of this study was to establish the prevalence tozoan parasites were identified by native preparation
of parasites in populations of reptiles, intended to be pet on slides. Identification and determination of endo and
animals in close contact with people. Reptiles imported ectoparasites was conducted under light microscope.
into Slovenia, specimens of native species taken from
the wild, and captive breed species were investigated. Results
Snakes’ parasites
Materials and methods Twelve different species of endoparasites in 26 (47.3%) of
A total of 949 reptiles (55 snakes, 331 lizards and 563 55 examined snakes were determined. In many of them
turtles), belonging to 68 different species, were exam- two or more different species of parasites were found. In
ined for the presence of endo and ectoparasites. Among two cases four different parasitic species were identified:
21 different species of snakes (55 specimens), five spe- in Ball Python Strongylid eggs, Ascaridae, Capillaria sp.
cies (11 specimens) originated from Slovenia, seven spe- and Pentastomida (Porocephalus crotali), and in Spotted
cies (23 specimens) were imported from different EU Desert Racer Strongylid eggs, Acanthocephala, Cyclos-
countries and nine species (21 specimens) from Paki- pora sp. and eggs and adults of Porocephalus crotali.
stan. Among 32 different species of lizards (331 speci- At necropsy from two to seven adults of Pentastomida
mens), eight species (164 specimens) were from Slovenia were found on lung surface of Spotted Desert Racer.
(163 specimens were from breeding farms and one was Local necroses in the lung were present. During
from nature), eight species (55 specimens) were necropsy of one Platyceps karelini diphtheroid changes
imported from different EU countries, eleven species (59 in distal part of intestinal tract were detected and at
specimens) originated from Pakistan, two species (8 spe- microscopic examination of abrasion of intestinal
cimens) from the Solomon Islands, two species (three mucosa Cyclospora sp. was seen.
specimens) from the Canary Islands, one species (26 Only fresh carcases of reptiles with previous clinical
specimens) from Mali, one species (one specimen) from signs of regurgitation and progressive wasting or with
El Salvador and three species (15 specimens) were of hypertrophic gastritis seen at necropsy changes were
unknown origin. Among 13 different species of turtles tested for the presence of Cryptosporidium sp. and those
(563 specimens), eleven species (401 specimens) origi- with diarrhoea or diphtheroid lesions of intestinal mucosa
nated from Slovenian breeding farms, one species (144 were tested for the presence of Trichomonadidae.
specimens) from Lebanon and one species (18 speci- For the presence of Cryptosporidium sp. in snakes 16
mens) from Pakistan. Only 17 aquatic turtles belonging digestivetractsweretestedand one CornSnakewas
to three different species were included in our investiga- positive. Nine intestines were checked for the presence
tion. Exact reviews of the examined animal species and of Trichomonadidae and one Rough-tailed Sand Boa
their origin are presented in Tables 1, 2 and 3. was positive on Tetratrichomonas sp.
Anamnestic data, external examination and necropsy Mites from family Macronyssidae (Ophionyssus natri-
of all reptiles have been performed according to Terrell cis) were present under the scales of one Boa Constric-
and Stacy [18]. Pathohistological and serological exami- tor and ticks (Amblyomma sp.) were found on the Ball
nation and cultivation of pathogens were also performed Python. Details about species names of endoparasites,
but are not described in this article. Most of the car- their number and percentage and scientific names of
casses were freshly frozen and periodically sent for snakes are presented in Table 4.
examination. Not previously frozen dead animals were
sent when the reptiles showed clinical signs of diseases Lizards’ parasites
prior death. According to our macroscopic findings Eighteen different species of endoparasites in 252 (76.1%)
internal organs, blood, faeces and different swabs were of 331 examined lizards were determined. Two or more
sent for further examination. Digestive tract of all different species of parasites were found in many of them.