Page 4 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 4

What that means is that the health benefits are so noticeable and
               you’ll honestly feel so good about knowing what goes into your dog
               that you’ll forget all about your scary first moments feeding the raw


               So if you’re thinking of maybe switching to raw, then I applaud you

               and I want to make it as easy and not-so-scary as possible for you. I’ll
               summarize what I’ve learned from feeding dozens of dogs and
               puppies a raw diet over the last twenty years and make it as easy as
               possible for you to get started.

               Just be sure to read all ten of the rules right to the end … while they’re
               easy to follow, each one is important and will make sure your dog’s
               raw diet is balanced and safe.

               The Raw Dog Food Diet Primer

               What I’m going to share with you is the result of successfully feeding
               and raising a lot of dogs … and my job means I’m friends with a lot of
               really smart PhD veterinarians who’ve helped me along the way and
               know a thing or two about raw feeding. My dogs are lucky to have this
               kind of team behind them … and I want to give you the same
               veterinary-approved plan for your own dog.

               That doesn’t mean that my way is the only way to feed raw … but it’s
               the result of a lot of research and it’s as scientifically sound as I can

               make it (because we really know so little about nutrition).

               What follows is what I hope is a very simple explanation of some very

               complicated science and math. Let’s jump right in!

               The 10 Simple Raw Feeding Rules
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