Page 3 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 3

I can’t remember exactly why I started feeding a raw dog food diet, but
               I did all the same. There were certainly enough compelling reasons to
               take that leap of faith. After just a few months of feeding my dogs

               kibble, I didn’t see how food in a bag with an ingredient list that I
               couldn’t even pronounce was the best choice for my dogs. And I
               wondered if those big companies with big marketing budgets really
               had my dogs’ best interests at heart.

               But you probably don’t need the details of why I switched to raw
               because I’m assuming that, if you’ve read this far, you’re ready to do
               the same. (And if you want a reason, check out this post: Why Feed

               But if you’re thinking of switching to raw … you’re probably a bit
               scared. You might be worried your dog will choke on bones or that his

               diet won’t be balanced. And those are very valid concerns …

               I was really (like really) frightened feeding real bones to my dogs …
               especially back then when nobody else was. I’ll never forget lying on
               the floor, feeding my dog a raw chicken wing and thinking “This is it …
               this is how I kill my dog.”

               I remember what it was like to start out and if you’re scared, you have
               every right to be … change is scary and you probably love your dog a
               lot (otherwise you’d just be tossing some Ol’ Roy in a bowl instead of

               reading this post).

               But I’m here to tell you, it will be the best change you can ever make

               for your dog. If you ask any dog owner who has fed raw for more than
               a few weeks if they would ever go back to kibble, 100% of them would
               say NEVER!

               If you ask any dog owner who has fed raw for more than a few
               weeks if they would ever go back to kibble, 100% of them would

               say NEVER!
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