Page 15 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 15

If you follow rules 1 through 9, you’ll be feeding your dog a fresh,
               whole food diet that’s safe and balanced. It really is that easy to feed
               raw. The only step left is to start doing it! But before you do, here are

               just a couple of things to keep in mind …

               When To Feed

               Most people feed their dogs twice per day. I feed once a day, twice a
               day and some days not at all.

               I like to fast my dogs once every week or two because most immune
               function is in the gut. If the dog’s digestive system is continually
               digesting meals, there’s no time for house cleaning. The dog’s
               immune system will suffer. Once a week, I turn my dogs out with a
               nice beef neck bone to chew. Or I’ll give them some fruit and that’s
               their fast day. The exception is puppies under six months of age who

               eat three times a day in my house.

               How Much To Feed

               As a starting point, feed your dog about two to three percent of his
               ideal adult weight. So, if he weighs 50 pounds, feed him one pound of
               food or a bit more.

               If your dog is very active, you may need to feed a little more and if
               your dog is more of a couch potato, you may need to feed a little less.

               The best way to tell if you’re feeding the right amount is to run your
               hands over your dog’s ribs. If you can feel the ribs, but not see them,
               your dog is at a good weight.

               Puppies need more calories and nutrition … so they should also
               receive about two to three percent of their ideal adult weight. When
               puppies are four to six months old, they will need a lot of food and a
               good amount of calcium because they’re building their adult teeth. If
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