Page 10 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 10

Rule #5: Don’t Get Hung Up On Fruit and Veg

               Should you add fruits and vegetables to your dog’s raw diet? The

               short answer is it’s really up to you. If you stick to the first four rules,
               your dog will get a nicely balanced raw diet with enough vitamins and
               minerals to do well.

               But why end there?

               Fruits and vegetables carry some unique benefits your dog can’t get
               from animal products. And in the wild, your dog’s ancestors ate a
               reasonable amount of grasses and berries … and I like to think that
               they ate them for a reason (because animals are very good at

               sourcing out the foods their bodies need).

               What benefits do fruits and vegetables offer that can’t be found in


               Prebiotics (fiber) are indigestible plant fibers that feed important little
               bugs that live in your dog’s gut (called probiotics).

               Chlorphyll is the green pigment in plants that makes your dog’s cells
               healthy detoxifies his liver and digestive system. It can also protect
               against cancer.

               Carotenoids are important antioxidants that protect your dog from
               aging and disease. Carotenoids are found in yellow, orange and red
               colored fruits and vegetables like squash, carrots, papaya,

               Lycopene is another powerful antioxidant that can play a role in
               preventing and slowing cancer. Lycopene gives many vegetables their
               red color and it’s found in tomatoes, carrots, red cabbage,
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