The Later You Wait To Spay Your Dog, The Less Likely She Is To Get Fat

The Later You Wait To Spay Your Dog, The Less Likely She Is To Get Fat

So this gal did a study on a couple thousand dogs and figured out that if you wait a year, two years, several years, seven years to spay your dog, she’s less likely to get fat, the older she is. The problem obviously is that she is also open to diseases of the reproductive tract AND neoplasia in the breastline, AND you have to deal with bleeds every 6 months. But, I didn’t know this about age-of-spay.

In practice, I’ve seen no material difference in fattening based on spay before or after first heat. And frankly, if you feed modestly and appropriately, the dogs don’t have to get fat no matter what age they’re spayed.


Dr Erik Johnson is a Marietta, Georgia Veterinarian with a practice in small animal medicine. He graduated from University of Georgia with his Doctorate in 1991. Dr Johnson is the author of several texts on Koi and Pond Fish Health and Disease as well as numerous articles on dog and cat health topics.